The First Nanosatellites Crypto Collection

NANOSAT The First Nanosatellites Crypto Collection

Exploring NFT Collectibles
The First Nanosatellites Crypto Collection

NANOSAT is the first crypto collection on nanosatellites, the world’s smallest, disruptive and cheap operational spacecrafts ever built, that are democratizing the access, exploration, and use of outer space, and are a key element of the New Space revolution. New Space and Blockchain technologies, recombined in many different ways, can make an imaginative, powerful and positive contribution to contemporary life in planet Earth and beyond! We will explore one of this New Space and Blockchain intersections: publishing an overview of the fascinating emergence of nanosatellites in original digital collectibles, a collection of NFTs, "trading cards of 21th century."

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Album presentation

The extraordinary ability of resilience and adaptation of humanity to the most varied and extreme surface environments of planet Earth, from the desert to the arctic, from the prairies to the tropical forest, have been possible by the use of tools and techniques. And when we arrive to our biological limits, our cultural artifacts permits that we survive and thrive in the atmospheric heights, in deep oceans or even in the outer space.

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—Part 1    #Space4Everyone

November 22nd, 2019 · Nanosat Team

The access, exploration and use of outer space were the dominion of Earth’s most powerful states and big corporations, mostly military-oriented. Not anymore. The spacecrafts were getting bigger, more complex, and more expensive. Not anymore. His vision of conquest, colonization, and explotation also in space was the only one existing. Not anymore. The paradigms of Space Age are changing, significantly and deeply. How? Why? Who are the new protagonists?

NANOSAT, the first illustrated history of the nanosatellites, try to give us the clues of this paramount change which, ultimately, will also shape human life in Earth. Step by step, each “trading card” illustrate the milestones of this unexpected and fascinating story of space democratization, of space for everyone

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Realated news on NanoSpacecrafts, Nanosatellites and NFT's